Cache: Swarm Cache


Support for APIs older than v9 will be removed in the Swarm 2022.2 release.

Swarm config cache file delete


Alternatively, use the Cache Info tab of the System Information page. Navigate to the User id dropdown menu, select System Information, and click the Cache Info tab. For more information, see Cache Info.


Introduced for Swarm 2019.2 and later, deletes the Swarm configuration cache files and restarts the workers.

DELETE /api/v9/cache/config/


Used to delete the Swarm configuration cache files after the Swarm configuration or custom modules have changed. When workers complete their current tasks they are automatically restarted so that they use the new Swarm configuration and custom modules for their next tasks.


Only admin users can delete the Swarm configuration cache.

Example response

When cache files are not deleted and workers are not shutdown:

For example, this can happen if you make the call and then make the same call again before the cache files have rebuilt.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "File <SWARM_ROOT>/data/cache/module-config-cache.php was not deleted",
        "File <SWARM_ROOT>/data/cache/module-classmap-cache.php was not deleted"

Example of usage

curl -u "username:password" -X DELETE "https://myswarm.url/api/v9/cache/config/"

Assuming that the authenticated user has permission, Swarm responds with the cache deleted and workers shutdown messages:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "File <SWARM_ROOT>/data/cache/module-config-cache.php deleted",
        "File <SWARM_ROOT>/data/cache/module-classmap-cache.php deleted",
        "Workers are shutdown. They will start automatically by recurring task"

Verify Redis cache


Alternatively, use the Cache Info tab of the System Information page. Navigate to the User id dropdown menu, select System Information, and click the Cache Info tab. For more information, see Cache Info.


Introduced for Swarm 2019.2 and later, verifies the Swarm Redis cache.

POST /serverid/api/v9/cache/redis/verify?context=user,group,project,workflow


The data in the Redis cache for groups, users, projects, and workflows should be the same as the data held by the Helix server. However, in some circumstances, such as when changes are made in the Helix server when Swarm is down or if errors occur during updates, the Redis cache can get out of sync with the Helix server.

Used to verify the content of the Redis cache. Use the context parameter to verify specific areas of the Redis cache, if no context is specified the entire Redis cache is verified. If a verification finds an out of sync cache file, Swarm automatically updates the data in that cache.


Only admin users can verify the Redis cache.


Parameter Description Type Parameter Type Required Default Value
serverid If Swarm is connected to multiple Helix Core servers, serverid specifies which Helix server the cache should be verified for. string path See description  

Add context to the call to verify a specific area of the Redis cache:

  • No context specified, verifies all of the Redis caches.
  • user verifies the Redis user cache.
  • group verifies the Redis group cache.
  • project verifies the Redis project cache.
  • workflow verifies the Redis workflow cache.

To verify multiple areas of cache, separate the entries with a comma ,

string path No  

Example usage

To start verification of the user and group caches:

curl -u "username:password" -X POST "https://myswarm.url/api/v9/cache/redis/verify?context=user,group"

JSON response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    isValid: true,
    data: {
        user: {
            state: "Queued",
            progress: false
        group: {
            state: "Queued",
            progress: false
    messages: {
        "Verifying Redis cache for [user,group]"

Check progress of Redis cache verification


Alternatively, use the Cache Info tab of the System Information page. Navigate to the User id dropdown menu, select System Information, and click the Cache Info tab. For more information, see Cache Info.


Introduced for Swarm 2019.2 and later, check progress of the Swarm Redis cache verification.

GET /serverid/api/v9/cache/redis/verify?context=user,group,project,workflow


Used to check the progress of Redis cache verification process. Use the context parameter to check verification of specific areas of the Redis cache, if no context is specified progress is checked for all areas of the entire Redis cache.


Parameter Description Type Parameter Type Required Default Value
serverid If Swarm is connected to multiple Helix Core servers, serverid specifies which Helix server cache verification is being checked for. string path See description  

Add context to the check verification progress for a specific area of the Redis cache:

  • No context specified, checks verification progress for all of the Redis caches.
  • user checks verification progress for the Redis user cache.
  • group checks verification progress for the Redis group cache.
  • project checks verification progress for the Redis project cache.
  • workflow checks verification progress for the Redis workflow cache.

To check the verification progress for multiple areas of cache, separate the entries with a comma ,

string path No  

Example usage

To check verification progress for the user and group caches:

curl -u "username:password" "http://myswarm.url/api/v9/cache/redis/verify?context=user,group"

JSON response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    isValid: true,
    data: {
        user: {
            state: "Running",
            progress: "Step 2 of 5; Calculating checksums for Redis keys"
        group: {
            state: "Running",
            progress: "Step 1 of 5; Getting Redis cache entries"
  • Valid states for verify are; Not Queued, Queued, Running, and Failed.
  • Valid states for progress are, Step x of y; (where x is the current step and y is the total number of steps) followed by:
    • Getting Redis cache entries
    • Calculating checksums for Redis keys
    • Calculating checksums for Perforce models
    • Clearing any extraneous Redis cache entries
    • Indexing any missing Perforce models into the Redis cache
    • Verification complete

Redis cache delete


Introduced for Swarm 2019.2 and later, deletes the Swarm Redis cache.

DELETE /serverid/api/v9/cache/redis?context=user,group,project,workflow


Used to delete the Redis cache. Use the context parameter to delete specific areas of the Redis cache, if no context is specified the entire Redis cache is deleted.


Only admin users can delete the Redis cache.


Parameter Description Type Parameter Type Required Default Value
serverid If Swarm is connected to multiple Helix Core servers, serverid specifies which Helix server the cache should be deleted for. string path See description  

Add context to the call to delete a specific area of the Redis cache:

  • No context specified, deletes all of the Redis caches.
  • user deletes the Redis user cache.
  • group deletes the Redis group cache.
  • project deletes the Redis project cache.
  • workflow deletes the Redis workflow cache.

To delete multiple areas of cache, separate the entries with a comma ,

string path No  

Example response

When an invalid Redis cache context is specified:

If an invalid context is specified in the call:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "Invalid context [usr], must contain only [user, group, project, workflow]",

Example of usage

curl -u "username:password" -X DELETE "https://myswarm.url/serverA/api/v9/cache/redis?context=user,group"

Assuming that the authenticated user has permission, Swarm responds with the cache deleted message:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "Deleted key(s) [Swarm^serverA:user-populated-status, Swarm^serverA:group-populated-status]",